Monday, February 28, 2011

I know you have heard I like to do recaps, so here's another for you.

In case you don't look at the details of this blog, my name is Jason. I am a full time student at Florida State Community College. I will graduate in May 2012 with a degree in Business Management. My aspirations for my education is to receive a Masters degree in Business from the University of Florida (lots of dollars).

I am currently employed part time (I refuse to mention the company name out of protection of myself and the company). When I am at work, I concentrate all of my efforts to completing a set of goals for the day while also being tasked with other important, but secondary, tasks. I have a lot to offer to my employer. Lately, I have taken on some scrutiny for posting miscellaneous things on Facebook, while neither mentioning the company name nor individuals' names. During our conversation, I got to know a little bit more about my employer on a personal level which helped me to understand their perspective. I promised my employer that I would not post anything else about the work place on Facebook and I would continue my high level of quality work for them. As much as that personally satisfied me, their is a looming cloud over those that weren't "man" enough to approach me. So, I have now vowed to myself to longer carry on anything other than a professional relationship with those people, plus one other. This will  prevent any further problems from happening. To my employer, I respect you. I am glad I work for you. I hope none of this puts any type of burden on our acquaintance, professional or otherwise. Thank you for your advice, by the way. I will make sure I use it when deemed appropriate. Let me say this now, If I offended, hurt, violated, or injured anyone in the this paragraph, YOU ARE READING MY OPINION/FACTOID BLOG. Let me quote myself. "I don't worry about my reputation as much as I worry about my integrity. Without one the other means nothing." (Baldwin Facebook post, 2011) I had to let that out.

I was a sailor for nine years. If you want to know where I have been, just ask. My favorite port would have to have been Panama. I loved the area, even though it was kind of dirty. I loved the mountain tour. I also like the Karaoke Bar "Foxys". Awesome times. I would go back in a heartbeat.

My political affiliation is Libertarian but I truly claim no party but those that truly want to be free of our government trying to make us buy into the something more then what was promised to us in the Constitution, "Life, Liberty, and the PURSUIT (not the provision) of happiness". I understand what makes the infrastructure work, but our founding fathers still worked their regular jobs as well as being delegates. They weren't paid a salary from the constituents pockets. They made their own money. There was no tax on every service and good known to man like there is today. The had excise taxes and a tax on goods bought and sold. Look at where we are today. Our freedoms are being taken from us. The second amendment is being taken from us while we are "clinging to our guns and religion" (Obama, 2007). All the while our government is thinking up ways to tax us on the air we breathe, practically. There is plenty of blame to passed on to either party, R or D. But blame games get us nowhere. We need action to get us out this mess. I guess what I am saying is that, if I were president, I would make every spending cut necessary to create a surplus for that year to make a dent in our debt. I would do so every year until we could afford to spend on entitlements again. I wouldn't bargain with anyone for my budget because I don't believe in bargaining for a seat at the table that is headed by me. I don't believe in bargaining for what is right for the American people. Our liberty is at stake if we don't clear our balance with other countries soon. Iraq and France would be sent a nice bill for the wars we fought for them to liberate them from their oppressors. Mexico would be sent a nice bill for all the jobs they steal from our workers every year. Canada, Arab nations, and anywhere else we import our oil from would no longer be allowed to export oil to us until oil prices drop to the 1996 prices, which was around $1.50. Until then they can trade a bail of wheat for two barrels of oil. Our northern and southern borders would be shut down. The virtual fence would be actual in just a few months with the help of free labor from the prisons, especially those here illegally. My fence would be 20 feet deep, with multi-tiered layers going twenty feet high, lined with all the razor wire and electric charged line I could lay hands on. The only way in is with a valid US passport. If you want out, get out. Jobs would open up quickly and we could get Americans back to work again. Social security, for those that paid into it, would be paid in full in three payments. Americans on social security retirement benefits after the day the law was signed would be the last ever. Americans would be advised to invest on their own. Social Security checks would be turned into offset checks for those that owe taxes or support of any kind. After that, the social security administration would be no longer open. Fair Tax would be the new tax system. The IRS would no longer look into your life. They would look into the accounts of politicians to make sure they are not doing any unethical practices with YOUR money.

I don't know how this post is going effect my employment, if at all. I just want everyone to understand a little about me. If you don't like what you read, then that's okay with me. I am a nice guy. If you have something to say to me or about me, please come to me. Be big enough to bring it to my attention. Otherwise I lose respect for you. My integrity is solid. I used to be pretty bad at keeping promises and it took some pretty drastic events to make me realize how bad I really was about it. Now, I do whatever I can to do the right thing, especially when nobody is watching.

Thank you for reading my blog. If you are my fraternity brother, I'm sorry I became "dead weight" and I am doing everything I can to be the brother I promised you all I would be. If you are a co-worker/manager-ish type at my job well if you didn't know, now you know. If you are family member, then none of this is a surprise to you.

Have you heard about how President Obama plans to trim the fat now?

I received a letter today from the Veterans Administration (VA) stating that President Obama signed into law on January 4, 2011 the new revised Post 9/11 GI Bill. One the of the portions of the bill that truly disturbed me was the fact that veterans, regardless of whether or not they are full time, will not receive their housing allowance from the bill for the period in between the end of the fall semester till the beginning of the spring semester. It reads as follows:

  • Break or interval pay is no longer payable under any VA education benefit program unless under an Executive Order of the President or due to an emergency, such as a natural disaster or strike.
    • This means that when your semester ends (e.g. December 15th), your housing allowance is paid for the first 15 days of December only and begins again when your next semester begins (e.g. January 10th) and is paid for the remaining days of January.
    • Students using other VA education programs are included in this change. Monthly benefits will be pro-rated in the same manner.
    • Entitlement that previously would have been used for break pay will be available for use during a future enrollment.

  • So, President Obama, riddle me this. How is a full time student supposed to live when his or her housing allowance has been cut during the months of January and February? Budgeting? Well, while some of us work  while going to school, those that don't probably depend on that housing allowance to take care of everything for the whole month. So here's my solution.
     It's time we all tell Washington to stop taking from us who already scrape by to feed those who don't want to even bother. I would love to help my fellow man by teaching them to fish. I don't want to help my fellow man by catching the fish for them and then taking it off the hook, gutting it, scaling it, chopping it's head off, filleting it, and then cooking it. Now that's not to say all entitlement checks are going to the people who chose not to work. Some of those people are hard working men and women who are out work and want to work so badly they can taste it. Those people I don't mind helping at all. 

    It's time to stop the entitlement spending on the leeches of the American society and tell them learn to live for themselves. The real reason why the government spends so much on entitlements is because they have made us a slave to that check for so long that if they cut it off, mass riot and high crime rates would plague our streets. My suggestion is simple. Make a deadline to find employment. After that deadline, no more money. No job, no check.

    Tuesday, January 18, 2011

    Have you heard about the problem with the supermarkets today?

    I was reading an article for my macroeconomics class about the supermarkets getting pinched by the inflated food prices. The reason the article gave was because the commodities market was continuing on the incline. This is either a really good sign of the economy coming back or a really bad sign that the we are becoming more dependent on outside sources for raw materials and produce.

    The article went on to tout Wal-Mart for have great prices for their ability to purchase entire crops of produce. They don't own their own farms but their buying power allows them to purchase that many crops. Some would say that this isn't fair. I say this is capitalism at it's best. Those that have buying power are able to drive a market in their direction.

    The article also talked about the the 40 million people that are on food stamps. They said that those on food stamps cannot shop at places like Whole Foods because the grocer passes on the inflation to their customers. Well let me submit that buying organic costs more anywhere you shop. It's not just Whole Foods. Look at the "Green Wise" section at your local Publix. The prices of a loaf of brown rice bread is three dollars more than a regular loaf of white wheat bread. Capitalism would say that not being able to buy organic goods because of the cost is normal. I agree but not all do. Some call the higher cost greedy because they pass on inflation to the customers. Not at all. If they can sell it good for them. Oh by the way, Whole Foods has six times as many investors as regular supermarket chains does. They must be doing something right.

    Now for the other side of capitalism, the competition. What is the competition doing while Whole Foods and Wal-Mart are getting fat using their own methods? They are letting their already slim profit margins get slimmer because they are not changing their prices to chase after inflation. This is where our citizens (and illegal immigrants) go shopping. They also go to Wal-Mart because the produce is cheaper and Wal-Mart is able to pass on their savings to consumers. Where they pass on their savings they also cut down on their quality. Publix and Winn-Dixie have fresher, better cut s of meat. So Wal-Mart might have great prices but, the quality of their goods are lacking. So take your pick, but oh wait, that is capitalism at work again.

    The point of this post is not to rant about prices at the supermarket. The point of this post is to show you that capitalism works. If you can't afford something I'm selling but someone else is selling another similar product you can afford elsewhere, you will go to them. Before we sell out on socialism in America, let's understand how great capitalism truly is.
    - Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


    Tuesday, January 4, 2011

    I'm sure you heard that LiLo is out of rehab, AGAIN!

    Lindsay Lohan is out of the UCLA rehab, but she still has legal issues to deal with. She is also having to deal with her career issues along with it. Hmmmmmmm ....... Something tells me LiLo needs to have just stayed put in that rehab. All the pressures of being a constant face of notoriety might spark more partying and more (queue the trumpets) legal issues.

    I have a good idea for the Lohans. Let's all go to rehab together. Dad has visited at least once. Mom, hmmm I don't know. Sister, yep she's been. I think maybe if they get some family rehab time in, they might just realize they are really in the same boat that is sinking. I don't know what happened to the fresh faced young lady who played in Herbie but somewhere between the New Yorker shoot and her flop movie "I think I know who killed me", she went off the deep end. Then she didn't look back.

    Lindsay, I love your natural beauty. I loved the girl in Herbie. I loved the New Yorker shoot. But as a person, you need to sort your life out.

    Have you heard we are now over $14 Trillion in debt?

    Happy New Year!!! We are now over $14 trillion in debt and growing! And guess what, our President wants us to spend more, and even asking us to reraise the debt ceiling. Oh by the way the last time we raised the debt ceiling was Christmas Eve 2009. Wow, Bush was bad but Obama takes the cake and then eats it in front of the fat kid.

    Congratulations America we no longer are the country of stature we used to be. We have cut the budget from areas that need more money and then over extended the budget to entitlement programs and needless pet projects like studying the affects of marijuana on monkeys. Our health care laws have taken over college financial aid and put a whole new burden on our children. This is crazy.

    Maybe we could take a pay cut for our leaders and government jobs and cut the 16,000 IRS jobs we just added in the new health care law. Maybe we could tell the president to take a pay cut of $350000 a year to help pay for his trips he takes to Hawaii and Spain with his family. Maybe it is time we starting asking France and Iraq for the money they owe us from the wars that liberated their countries.

    It is obvious we will be bankrupt soon. We owe a debt we can't pay because the leaders of this once great nation have decided to spend us into oblivion. Today is the day to fight back.

    Monday, January 3, 2011

    So have you heard the new politically correct term for "illegal immigrant"?

    Leo Laurence of the Society for Professional Journalists has brought a new fight to the political arena. This fight isn't for the freedom of speech, or the freedom of press, or the rights of the media. Nope this journalist is hoping to make Americans refer to illegal immigrants as "undocumented immigrants". His claim is that "illegal" is too offensive.

    So when instead of illegal drugs. Should refer to them as undocumented. Instead of illegal practices they are undocumented practices. Maybe we should rename criminal records to troubled pasts, and maybe we shouldn't call orphaned children, orphaned. Just call them parentless. It isn't rape anymore. It's unwanted sexual contact.

    Let's not forget that illegal is illegal regardless if an American commits a crime or if an immigrant crosses the border undocumented. What America needs today is to cut the bull. We need to stop worrying so much about peoples feelings. Living here in America has a price and rules. It doesn't make the process any easier by breaking the law first thing. It is rather sad that anyone would resort breaking the law to live here and make more of a burden on those they wish to be fellow citizens with. Of course, the government is will to usher illegal immigrants in and not enforce the law. No Mr. Laurence, illegal immigrant will be the best term for these undocumented non citizens.

    Friday, December 17, 2010

    Have you heard of fighting on Facebook?

    Below is the picture that got it all started. One of the biggest wars I've seen on Facebook between two people. What is this over? A picture and a comment made by one man. His "friend" as they call them on Facebook, made a comment that unfortunately got cut off. Eventually a comment was made by an innocent bystander and then BOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!! Facebook RAW on Friday Night Fights. Are You Ready to Rumblllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllle?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh by the way, the is still on.

    Some of y'all in Greensboro, NC might need to take advice on this and get evaluated all that unprotected f**king going on up there!

    By DeVere  ·

    Already tagged

    • DeVere  Nope I'm not better just glad I got out, ya'll is those who live there, and yes my black ass live there too but not anymore. I don't entertain stupidity or ignorance I exploit it and expose it. Only reason I said Greensboro is because I check back home on the News to see what's going on and hear about the disease rate just in that city and sad to read what I see just saying nothing personal.
      • 5 hours ago ·
        Tasha  Blank stare for a dumb ass.....#thtsallihave.
        5 hours ago via Facebook Mobile ·

      • DeVere  Mirror is up.....#thtsallihave too.
        5 hours ago ·
      • DeVere  The Mirror is in front of you.....#thtsallihave too.
      • 5 hours ago ·
        Tasha lmao, you are not even worth the energy, glad your simple minded ass found a job in the navy on a go drown............thnks
        5 hours ago ·
        4 hours ago ·

        I most definitely will and with honor at that and not to mention i'm not on a boat i'm in a advanced Intermediate Facility meaning on land sorry no drowning there plus this black ass dude can swim can't say the same for you and sorry that y...ou got all offended over this wow I didn't know I hit a nerve spot. If this hurt your feelings then you could just have PM me and also I have this form that you can fill out if you like its a "Hurt Feelings Report" pm me your address and i'll have one mailed out to you ASAP with tissue ok Much love D LMAOSee More
        Tasha Look you black fucker, i dont have pm, maybe thats your moms, i can swim ask your daddy, and as for why im so pissed is because you are "assuming" that people in nc have aids or hiv, dont really give 4 fucks about where you work, you are that unimportant!!!! as for mailing me it, dont want , it probably has roches or shit in the envelope........
        4 hours ago ·

      • Melissa do some people take offense to that post...your just bringing light to an issue that is very prevalent were just watching out for your peeps in NC.
        It is a problem EVERYWHERE.
        I understood what you meant! ♥

        4 hours ago · · 2 peopleLoading...
        Tasha ‎@ Melissa, you dont know me like that, i have known D for a minute and thts how we get down!! its all in fun, stay in your place!! thnks
        4 hours ago ·
        Melissa don't me don't get all offended when I'm posting to my boy.
        This is a free speech forum and just like you have your opinion I'm entitled to Mine as well.
        Much love to ya D....and Twana too ♥

        4 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...
        Chevy  I step away from my pc...and this is what I come back to...lmao
        4 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

      • Tasha  im not getting offended, you were addressing me to the side , not by calling my name, so i addressed you back, stating your there anything else i can do for you? #illwait
        4 hours ago ·
        Tasha  i know twana too, and you better ask em both, im not to be played with, so carry on>>>>>>>>
        4 hours ago ·
        Melissa  Woops my other n didn't show up in Twanna's name...sorry.... Much luv to ya girl
        4 hours ago · · 1 personLoading...

      • Melissa 
        3 hours ago · · 2 peopleLoading... must have some insecurity issues is all I can say.... You are def not worth my time. You want to threaten don't know me from Eve...I'm not a force you want
        To reckon with either. Sounds to me like you could use men...tal help.See More

      • Jason Baldwin Man D WTF did you start? I was in the car when you took the picture but I never thought it would get serious. Everybody needs a Coke and a smile.
        about an hour ago ·
        DeVere Melissa has a coke with rum in it but as for everybody else i'm not sure I couldn't tell you at all.
        about an hour ago ·
        Tasha ‎@ melissa, i have a good man sweetie, no, im not the force to be reckoned with, so like i sauid, you dont know me, so keep my fucking name out of your mouth
        about an hour ago ·
        Tasha ‎@ Devere, dont try to showboat and act like you dont know us nc people now hun, i know the stories, when did you grow some balls
        about an hour ago ·
        Melissa TASHA...keep mine out of yours....I'm glad you have a good man "sweetie" I do too.
        I am sure there is a mental health clinic somewhere near you.

        about an hour ago ·

      • DeVere  What are you talking about now Tasha? I have balls ever since before I graduated high school I've never been scared of no one don't need dudes around me to help me fight or ghetto chicks I fight my own battles and don't need no gun or knife either I will piece a nigga up quick too
        about an hour ago ·

      • Melissa  That's enough of my time and energy wasted, I'm sure Tasha is a sweet girl, but something struck a nerve with her.
        about an hour ago ·
        Tasha ‎@ ,melissa,i was answering you from 2 hrs ago, i will say and do what i please if you would have never mentioned my name from the get....we wouldnt be here, you must have me confused/fucked up with that bitch who gives a fuck what you think........let me press that try again button for for mental health, im good honey, very intelligent, multiple degrees, but dont mistake for a moment that i wont set that aside to put a improper chic in her place thanks
        about an hour ago ·

      • Melissa  D.....I can't wait to see you always make me smile.
        about an hour ago ·
        Tasha  ‎@ Devere, check your inbox and my brother said is there a problem?
        about an hour ago ·

      • Melissa  Problem lil thang is that you have a chip in your shoulder and can't handle the fact that there are people that are not scared of you. As far as improper that would be you.
        Your degrees must be in drama

        58 minutes ago · · 2 peopleLoading...
        Tasha No the problem , chunky thing, is i loathe when people dont know how to mind their own damn business...........half of whats wrong with the world today!!! as for you being scared of me, who said you were??? delusional hefer
        56 minutes ago ·
        DeVere DAYYYYYYYYYYUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        55 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa And as a matter of fact you must care because you keep posting...
        55 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa  Aww see your jealous of me ....that would be your insecurities....That's why your now attacking my looks and you don't even know what my body looks like. I am one fine ass woman
        53 minutes ago ·
        Tasha  jealous of what!!!!!!! honey you said lil thing, so i said chunky thing.self esteem issues, its ok..if you cant handle it dont dish it out!! not at one time did say anything about your face>>next statement...........
        50 minutes ago ·

      • Jason Baldwin I love Facebook. Only if guys could comment In video format. That would be even better.
        50 minutes ago ·
        Tasha  sn:your ass keeps posting is it safe to say you care??? considering earlier you said you didnt have time for this...........#illwaitagain
        49 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa  Oh I am one fine ass woman....i
        Said lil thang cause your acting like a child.

        47 minutes ago ·

      • Jason Baldwin Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry Jerry
        47 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa I believe your the one who can't handle the dishing....I made a comment to D and you started in on it. I'm not the type of a person who sits back and won't defend what's right.
        45 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa  Baldwin....shush it.
        44 minutes ago ·
        Tasha lmao @ Jason even though i dont know back to Melissa, clearly you are slooow, you made a comment to D about me and thought i wasnt going to comment, the joke was on you!!
        43 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa  You are such an ignorant woman for someone who claims to have multiple degrees.
        42 minutes ago ·
        40 minutes ago ·


      • Melissa  Bring it bitch..... I am not scared of you!!!!
        38 minutes ago · · 1 personLoading...
        Tasha  wow im a bitch.....cunt!! lol
        32 minutes ago ·
        Tasha  skank, scuttle butt, dick sucker shall i continue
        32 minutes ago ·

      • Melissa Wow I see those degrees must have been in ghetto Ebonics from the projects....and this is why you drive a bus.
        28 minutes ago ·
        Tasha And i have a medical assisting degree, and will be graduating from nursing school in May with a approved application for wake forest's anesthesiology program....#next!!! wht do you do
        18 minutes ago ·
        Tasha so your ATTEMPT on trying to call someone out has failed once again whale!!!
        16 minutes ago ·
        14 minutes ago · · 1 personTasha Moore likes this.

      • Jason Baldwin Okay ding ding ding match over. Go back to your corners and wait for the results.
        10 minutes ago · · 1 personTasha Moore likes this.
      • Melissa
        Pfftt dust in the wind.... Always threatened by by a hot woman i see. Can't wait for the background check...when they see how nuts you are have, fun getting a job....seeing how they check facebook when hiring potential the jokes on you. Maybe I should fwd all of this to Wake Forest.
        Oh and as far as what I do...Veterinary field for over a i am use to dealing with shit that smells and us cancerous. I was not a lifetime student on govt money.